Plenary Speakers |


Associate Professor PhD, University of the Aegean (GREECE)

She holds a PhD in Educational Technology, a Master in Education, a Diploma in Civil Engineering and a Bachelor in Mathematics from the University of Patras, Greece. She is associate professor of Educational Technology in the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, University of the Aegean, Greece. She is also a collaborative professor in the Hellenic Open University. During the last decade, she had also served as adjunct Professor in the Dept. of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras, Greece and in the department of Mathematics of this University.

Her research focuses on technology supported learning-design, towards critical and creative thinking within various educational settings including: paper and pencil, online, blended, collaborative and technology-based learning as well as Gender and Computing and STEM education, Computer Science Education, digital game-based learning, educational digital storytelling, use of social and constructivist learning theories in the design of educational micro-worlds.  She also serves in the editorial board of various international and national Journals and Conferences. Finally, she has published over 217 scientific papers and 13 books. Her research works have received at least 900 citations in international (744 citations according to Publish and Perish, h-index=14, g-index=22, last access: 19/09/2017) and national (more than 150 citations) scientific books, journals and conference proceedings. She has also collaborated with more than 70 other researchers.


Galya Georgieva-Tsaneva, Ph.D.,

 Assistant Professor at the Institute of Robotics of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria. 

Galya Georgieva-Tsaneva, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Robotics of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria. Her scientific research interests include educational and medical information system; problems, means and methods of improving the quality of higher education; problems of students with special needs, students with reduced vision or the blind students; web accessibility, interactive systems, systems with functionality for people with special needs; serious education games; data analysis, statistical analysis of data, wavelet and fractal analysis, computer networks and communications, coding and compression of information, fractal modeling and teletraffic engineering; investigation of Heart Rate Variability of ECG data.

Title of presentation | Studying Means and Tools to Address the Problems Students with Visual Deficits in Education


Antonio SANDU, PhD

Professor Ph.D., “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava (ROMANIA)

Researcher LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Iasi (ROMANIA)

Deputy Chair in Romanian Unit of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Cluj (ROMANIA)

Antonio Sandu currently works as Professor Ph.D. at the “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, and as a Senior Researcher at the LUMEN Research Centre in Social & Humanistic Sciences in Iasi (Romania). He was appointed Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Ethics and Health Policy of “Gr. T. Popa” University, Iasi. He has a BA in Philosophy, another one in Social Work, and the third BA in law. The author also has an MA in Probation and Social Reintegration from “Al. I. Cuza” University. He has a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the “Al. I. Cuza” University, Iasi (Romania), with a thesis entitled „Oriental Philosophy and Modern Physics. A Humanistic Vision on Universe”.

His main areas of interest include ethics, bioethics, social work, and social philosophy. He has authored more than 15 books in Social Work, Philosophy, and Applied Ethics, with more than 100 articles in scientific peer-reviewed journals.

The original contributions of the author’s scientific activities start from the social construction of reality, and social constructionism seen from a semiological perspective. He analyses the social construction of reality by developing his very own version of social constructionism at the intersection between the constructionist paradigm and the theory of communicative action.

Title of presentation | Axiological Ethics vs. Traditional or Religious Oriented Ethics in Romania. The Need for Educational Training Programs (Antonio SANDU & Ana FRUNZA)



Associate Professor Ph.D., ”Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava (ROMANIA)

Dan Ioan DASCALU is an associate professor at the “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava. He teaches sociology and social psychology courses in social work and political science study programs. He is a part of the Department of Human Disciplines, Social and Political Science. He is licensed in sociology at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of History and Philosophy and has received his Ph.D. in psychology at the “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi in 2001. His research focuses are on totalitarianism, political social psychology and the dimensions of contemporary individualism. His publications include the 2002 volume „Totalitarian personality”, the 2007 volume “Consumer behavior”, and the 2006 collective volume “Violence in sports”.

Title of presentation | Education, Culture and the Internet



Researcher, Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy

Iulian APOSTU holds a Ph.D. in Sociology (University of Bucharest, 2010) and is the author of several specialized studies about family sociology. On a large axis of conjugal diversity, its work examines the image of the contemporary couples, focusing on structural transformations, from the classic marriage to the new functional benchmarks of the consensual union. Currently, Iulian Apostu is an Associate professor with the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest and a Researcher with the Centre for Research on the Social Structure and Processes, University of Bucharest. From March 2016 is a researcher at the Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy.

Title of presentation | False call, abusive call in the pre-hospital service


Gabriel GORGHIU, PhD

Professor Ph.D., Valahia University from Targoviste (ROMANIA)
Director of the Centre for Scientific Research and Innovation in Educational Sciences “I.T. Radu”

He graduated the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems, and Valahia University Targoviste, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, specialization: Mathematics-Informatics. He is Professor at Teacher Training Department, Valahia University Targoviste. The area of interest is oriented on educational technologies – e-learning, interaction and virtual communication, web-based learning platforms, using ICT for educational purposes. He coordinated several European Socrates Comenius 2.1 Projects, acting as present as local coordinator of the FP7 project “IRRESISTIBLE – Including Responsible Research and Innovation in Cutting Edge Science and Inquiry-based Science Education to Improve Teacher’s Ability of Bridging Learning Environments”, training manager of the Erasmus+ project “EduForHealth – Let’s make it better! Raising the awareness of the triad nutrition-health-food safety in school education”, and member of the research team of the FP7 project “ENGAGE – Equipping the Next Generation for Active Engagement in Science Project”. He is also the Director of the Centre for Scientific Research and Innovation in Educational Sciences “I.T. Radu” within ICSTM (Scientific and Technological Institute of Multidisciplinary Research of Valahia University Targoviste).