Full Paper Publication |

#1 | Proceedings volumes (ISBN) – published by LOGOS PANDA Publishing, Romania

Authors are invited to propose their full papers in English or Romanian languages for evaluation in order to be published in a proceedings volume with ISBN, published by Logos Panda Publishing, Romania (by LUMEN). Also, the full papers professionally and scientifically constructed who are not proposed/selected after peer review process for partner journals publication, will be considered for the collective volume publication (peer review based selection) within Logos Panda Publishing.  

The volume will be published in English and Romanian languages (title, abstract, keywords and affiliations in English language only) and it will be available open access.

Full paper submission deadline | January 20th, 2023.

Open access fee | 10 euro / 5 pages paper (max 5000 words)

#2 | Proceedings volumes (ISBN) – published by LUMEN Publishing, Romania

The volumes will be available online, in open-access format, and in print, through Amazon, Barnes & Nobles and more than 80 other major distribution channels.

The volume will be indexed in International Databases (CEEOL, RePeC, EconPapers), and will have 100 available positions. The volume will be published in English and Romanian languages (title, abstract, keywords and affiliations in English language only), by LUMEN Publishing, Romania. All articles will receive DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

For oral or virtual presentation, the video recording of the paper is needed in order to consider the final paper eligible for evaluation for possible publication after peer-review. 

Publication in the Proceedings Volume implies a serious double-blind peer-review process. The results can be: Accept for publication, Accept with revisions or Reject. The acceptance of the initial Abstract for presentation in the Congress does not automatically imply the further publication of the paper.

Full paper submission deadline | January 20th, 2023.

Open-access fee | 20 euro/paper open-access fee

ISSN Journals indexed in International Databases, with free open-access fee*

* LIMITED offer: all the bellow journals will publish the next issue without open-access fee. Each journal will publish a total of 10 articles in the future Issue, chosen by Editors following the peer-review process, in the order they were submitted by the authors.

Eastern-European Journal of Medical Humanities and Bioethics

Covered in | CrossRef; RePEc; CEEOL; KVK; WorldCat; Google Scholar, ICI Journals Master List – Index Copernicus


Journal for Ethics in Social Studies

Covered in | ERIH PLUS; CrossRef; RePEc; CEEOL; KVK; WorldCat; Google Scholar; ICI Journals Master List – Index Copernicus


Journal for Social Media Inquiry

Covered in | CrossRef; RePEc; CEEOL; Google Scholar, ICI Journals Master List – Index Copernicus


Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology

Covered in | CrossRef; RePEc; CEEOL; KVK; WorldCat; Google Scholar; Index Copernicus ICI Journals Master List


Journal of Mediation & Social Welfare

Covered in | CrossRef; RePEc; Google Scholar; ICI Journals Master List – Index Copernicus