Workshop | Conceptual and Practical Aspects – UNEFS Projects EDU2021 |

Associated Event / Workshop Proposal template LUMEN International Conferences 2021

Associated Event / Workshop Title | Conceptual and Practical Aspects – Results of National and International Cooperation through UNEFS Projects

Main Organizer Institution | National University of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest (UNEFS)

Co-organizers | LUMEN Research Center in Social & Humanistic Sciences, Romania

Chair | Luciela Vasile, UNEFS

Overview | This Webinar proposed by UNEFS disseminates information on some of the projects carried out this year by the National University of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest.

Topics | Quality assurance in education

Conceptual and Practical Aspects – Results of National and International Cooperation through UNEFS Projects

Luciela VASILE [1]


Valeria BĂLAN [3]

Gabriela DINȚICĂ [4]

Lavinia POPESCU [5]



The Webinar proposed by UNEFS at the Lumen 2021 Conference and organized in collaboration with members of the academic staff in our university aims to disseminate general and specific information on some of the projects carried out this year by the National University of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest.

In this Webinar, we will present our project proposals to the funding institutions or bodies, our experience as UNEFS teachers involved in various such projects, some aspects regarding the outcomes of our projects and good collaboration practices between different entities with specific activities in the field of physical education and sport.

Our online meeting will focus on the following projects carried out using Institutional Development Funds (IDF) or included in the Erasmus+ Sport programme:

  2. InNovaTION AND COmpetitivENESS In SCIENTIFIC research THROUGH INTEGRATED soluTIONS FOR THE investigatION OF human motor skills – RECORD, Project manager Prof. Silvia Teodorescu, PhD
  4. SWIM YOUR WAY – Erasmus+ Sport project, Coordinator Associate Prof. Valeria Bălan, PhD

Keywords: projects, funding strategy, Institutional Development Funds,Erasmus+ SPORT

Luciela VASILE

PhD, Professor at the National University of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest

Doctoral studies. Thesis: “The influence of sensory-perceptual factors on the motor learning process in swimming”

Degree in Physical Education, specialisation in Physical Education and Sport, National Academy of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest

Main research interests: Sports performance and Adapted physical activities. Subjects: Recovery and rehabilitation through physical education and sport – Aquatic therapy; Sports training methodology – Swimming; Theory and practice of competitive sports; Theory and practice of water sports

Research activities in the following areas: modern swimming methodologies, physical exercise and health. Grants, projects and training programmes as a director or member. Member of national and international sports organizations.


PhD – Director of the Doctoral School, National University of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest

Doctoral studies. Thesis: “Characteristics of competitive effort in performance volleyball. Directions for training optimisation”, National Academy of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest

Bachelor’s degree, volleyball specialisation, Institute of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest

Main research interests: Theory and methodology of sports training and Adapted physical activities

Scientific project manager for topics related to sports training and the social inclusion of children with disabilities, author of more than 100 papers and articles presented at international conferences or published in specialised journals

Scientific advisor for PhD in Sport sciences,

Valeria BĂLAN

PhD, Associate Professor at the National University of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest

Education background: Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education and Sport (1994-1998), Master’s degree in High-Performance Sports Training (1998-1999), PhD in Physical Education and Sport (2002-2009) at the National Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest

Work experience: Physical education teacher, secondary school (1998-2002), Assistant Lecturer (2002-2009) and PhD Assistant Lecturer at the National Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest (2009-2011), PhD Lecturer at the National University of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest (2011-2019)

Current and previous research interests: swimming, adapted motor activities, leisure motor activities

Gabriela DINȚICĂ

PhD, Associate Professor at the National University of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest

Education background: Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education and Sport (1992-1996)

Doctoral studies. Thesis: “Contributions to the study of the relationship between physical training and the efficiency of technical executions in performance fencing”, National Academy of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest

Work experience: Physical education teacher, secondary school (1998-2001), Fencing coach at the “Triumf” School Sports Club (1997-2005), Assistant Lecturer (2001-2002) and PhD Assistant Lecturer at the National Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest (2002-2012), PhD Lecturer at the National University of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest (2012-2019), member of the Executive Committee of the Romanian Fencing Federation (since March 2021)

Current and previous research interests: sports performance – fencing, motor activities, leisure motor activities. Grants, projects and training programmes as a director or member


PhD, Associate Professor at the National University of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest

Education background: Graduate of the Bucharest University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Specialisation: French-English. PhD studies – Philology, Foreign Languages (2005-2010), at the Bucharest University.

Work experience: Assistant Lecturer – National University of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest (1996-2006), PhD Lecturer at the National University of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest (2006-2018). Competence areas: French and English translations, research in the fields of linguistics, physical education, sport and physical therapy

Cozeta Minculescu

PhD. Lecturer, MD, in the Special Motricity and Medical Recovery/Rehabilitation Department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, at the National University of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest

Doctoral studies. PhD thesis: “Biological model used in the management of sports training for wheelchair basketball athletes”, National Academy of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest

Bachelor’s degree at the Faculty of Medicine within the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest. Specialist physician in Sports Medicine

Main research interests: Sports medicine, Adapted physical activities. Subjects: Cardiovascular rehabilitation, Medical recovery, Scoliosis Schrott 3D Therapy 

Research activities in the following areas: Physical therapy in cardiovascular diseases


Our Webinar will present some of our UNEFS projects, the experience in various such projects and some aspects regarding the outcomes.


The project aimed to modernise the Eforie Nord teaching resort for the optimal development of initial, continuous and remedial training activities in the seashore environment.

Overtime, the new accommodation conditions in the training centre will allow to correlate the curricular offer of our university with the demands of the labour market in compliance with the requirements of maintaining quality standards in providing education after the pandemic.

As a prestigious institution with a dynamic structure and an innovative role in specialised training provided in the field of sport and physical education science, UNEFS proposed this project to increase the quality of educational services and improve training conditions. The further extension and modernisation of the Eforie Nord Teaching Resort relied on the permanent search for solutions to be always competitive on the vocational training market.

The previous projects that financed the arrangement of new accommodation spaces ensured the implementation of the Development Project for the Eforie Nord Teaching Resort as a component part of the UNEFS Institutional Development Strategy (2020-2024). Through this project, we proposed and managed to purchase sports devices and equipment that can ensure training diversification and an increased quality of the teaching process.

Through this 2021 IDF, we aimed to arrange a third four-room module with 16 places in order to complement the modernised spaces and ensure unitary student access to accommodation.

Through the project budgeting, the Eforie Nord Teaching Resort was developed and modernised.

The new accommodation spaces were properly equipped through funding from other projects or from the university’s own revenues.

  • InNovaTION AND Competitiveness In SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH THROUGH INTEGRATED solutions FOR THE investigation OF human motor SKILLS – RECORD – CNFIS-FDI-2021-0040

To improve the research infrastructure by optimising the functionality of the equipment in the laboratories serving the Doctoral School (SD), the Interdisciplinary Research Centre (CCI), The Faculty of Physical Therapy (KT) and the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport (EFS) with three departments: Physical and Sports Education, Sport and Motor Performance, Teacher Training (DEFS, DSPM, DPPD).

The RECORD project materialises in providing integrated solutions for the investigation of motor ability in order to obtain performance in the fields of sport and health.

Purchased equipment:

1. OptoGait – a complex bidirectional gait analysis system – upgrade and use in an integrated system with Cosmed and Zephyr;

2. Moxy – monitors muscle oxygen levels – an integrated solution with Garmin, Polar, Cosmed and Zephyr;

3. SmartSpeed – a complex timing system; an integrated solution with Garmin, Zephyr and Witty;

4. Kit RaceTime2 – a communication system between coach and athlete during motor performance for the real-time exercise dosage; an integrated solution with Garmin and SmartSpeed;

5. COSMED T150 – upgrade;

6. OPTOJUMP extension – upgrade;

7. WittySem panel fixing system – upgrade;

8. Psiselteva Test Battery – investigates focused and sustained attention, hand-eye coordination and intersegmental coordination; upgrade and use in an integrated system with USMIT;

9. USMIT – increasing precision in motor coordination through ultra-slow motion exercises;

10. Software programs.


  • requested: 393 537.92 RON, of which 25 441.92 RON co-funding;
  • provided by the Ministry of Education: 327 144 RON, of which 21 144 RON co-funding

The aim of the project is to develop an integrated platform that facilitates students’ access to information on the UNEFS educational offer and career guidance and counselling services.

Specific objectives:

O1 Increasing the visibility of the UNEFS educational offer by organizing an online promotion campaign that allows equal access to information and counselling for all candidates, regardless of background, in order to choose educational pathways;

O2 Ensuring equal access to education for all candidates through an online admission platform that reflects the principle of transparency and equality as regards the undifferentiated access of candidates;

O3 Reducing the discrepancies felt by students from disadvantaged backgrounds by providing guidance and counselling services with regard to educational and professional pathways;

O4 Correlating the study programmes offered by UNEFS with labour market requirements and the Code of Occupations in Romania (COR) through activities involving the consultation of employers and graduates in order to verify the correspondence between labour market requirements and the competencies built by the study programmes in the field.

Activities: Organizing the online promotion campaign of the UNEFS educational offer ensures increased visibility and thus equal access to education and training, development of the electronic (online) platform to support the process of admission to university study programmes, organising guidance and counselling services for first-year students at risk of school dropout, consultation of employers in order to identify their demands in relation to the UNEFS educational offer.

4. SWIM YOUR WAY – Erasmus+ Sport Project 612943-EPP-1-2019-1-EL-SPO-SSCP

“Swim your way” project addresses the needs of professionals of the sport, namely swimming instructors, operators, teachers, and trainers to share their good practices and has a well-structured Guide to follow on how to teach swimming to students with disabilities according to their needs. 

The project addresses to the needs of people with disabilities, who are limited in opportunities, to be as physically active as people without a disability. As physical activity, health and quality of life are closely interconnected, through this Teaching Guide individuals with disabilities participate in swimming courses, be taught in the best possible way and get more health benefits by being physically active, such as physical health benefits and physiological well-being.

The Swim your Way consortium has exchanged good practices, confront ideas and methods in different areas relating to sport and physical activity in particular swimming and its relevance for the inclusion of people with disabilities in society and create a Guide on how to teach swimming to 4 different disability groups.

The project is in line with the European Policies in the field of Sport as a mean for the promotion of healthy lifestyle and the social inclusion of subjects that are in risk of social exclusion.

[1] Professor PhD, National University of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest, Romania, , +40722235376.

[2] Professor PhD, National University of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest, Romania,, +400727664582.

[3] Associate Professor PhD, National University of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest, Romania,, +40720786485.

[4] Associate Professor PhD, National University of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest, Romania,, +400722613616.

[5] Associate Professor PhD, National University of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest, Romania,, +40726797779.

[6] Lecturer PhD, MD, National University of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest, Romania,, +40722450637.

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