Workshop | From Ethics in Teaching to Teaching Ethics

Workshop | “From Ethics in Teaching to Teaching Ethics”

The workshop will include discussions about cross-disciplinary research in the field of epistemology, philosophy and bioethics regarding integrity and trust as fundamental values ​​in research ethics. Within this research topic, there will be discussions on the relevance of research in the field of humanistic sciences, the methodology and limits of the research and the principles of research ethics.

Book release:

  1. Ethics in Research Practice and Innovation (2019). Editors: Antonio Sandu, Ana Frunza & Elena Unguru, IGI GLOBAL, USA
  2. Etica si integritate in educatie si cercetare (2018). Editors: Antonio Sandu & Bogdan Popoveniuc, Tritonic Publishing, Romania

Speakers |

  1. Ph.D. Stud. Alexandra HUIDU – Editor at LUMEN Publishing House, Romania
  2. Lect. Ph.D. Ana FRUNZĂ – Editor at LUMEN Publishing House, Romania.
  3. Prof. Ph.D. Antonio SANDU – Director of LUMEN Publishing House, Romania
  4.  Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Tomita CIULEI – Valahia University Târgoviste, Romania

Room | Ground Hall, Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Science and Technology, Valahia University Târgoviște

Time | 1st day of 3rd LUMEN EDU2019 | 13:15 – 14:00