Aims and Scope |
LUMEN EDU International Scientific Conference | Education, Quality & Sustainable Development | November 20th – 21st, 2019 | Targoviste, Romania
This event is developed by LUMEN Research Center in Social Humanistic Sciences, LUMEN Publishing House and LUMEN Conference Center, in collaboration with the co-organizers – the Teacher Training Department of Valahia University of Targoviste.
LUMEN Conference Center started its activity in 2010, with the mission to provide professional management for conferences organized by the LUMEN Research Center for Social and Humanistic Sciences.
The purpose of the Centre is to disseminate information from research conducted by academics and undergraduate, master, doctoral, post-doctoral students, practitioners, in an organized framework, where they can share ideas and lay the groundwork for fruitful professional collaboration with specialists from the country and abroad.
LUMEN Conference Centre organizes every year national and international conferences, symposia, workshops, scientific discussions.
The attention of the LUMEN Conference Centre experts on logistics and planning details allows the Scientific Board to focus on the scientific event content, ensuring a high degree of professionalism.
We welcome you to LUMEN events!
Our conference will bring into debate the following educational sciences topics, but not limited to:
1. Educational policies
• Trends and good practices in contemporary education (at preschool, school, university and postgraduate level)
• Paradigms of contemporary education
• Quality assurance in education
• Educational management
• Reform, change and innovation in education
• Formal, non-formal and informal education in the context of contemporary educational policies and practices
• Self-education and permanent education
• Sport in the 3rd millennium
2. Initial and Continuing Teacher Training
• Mentoring and Coaching in Teacher Training
• Professionalization of the teaching career
• Training of trainers
3. Psychology of education
• Psychopedagogy of ages
• Educating pupils with special educational needs
• Education of gifted children
• School learning
• Experential learning
• Psycho-pedagogical knowledge of the pupil/child
4. Counseling theories and practices in education
• Educational counseling
• Vocational / professional / career counseling
• Psycho-pedagogical counseling
• Counseling for personal development
• Psychosocial counseling
• Counseling and psychological assistance in sport and Kinetotherapy
5. Fields of pedagogy
• General Pedagogy / Fundamentals of Pedagogy / General Theory of Education
• Theory and methodology of training / General didactics
• Curriculum Theory and Methodology
• Theory and Methodology of Pedagogical Research
• Sociology of education (Social pedagogy, Family pedagogy, Labor pedagogy, Media pedagogy, etc.)
• Pedagogy of Art
• Philosophical Pedagogy (Philosophy of Education)
• Anthropological pedagogy
6. Specialized didactics
• Didactics of the discipline
• Didactics of curricular area
• Physical education pedagogy
• Sport pedagogy
• The new education
7. E-Learning and Software in Education
• Distance learning
• e-Learning technologies
• Projects and e-Learning experiences
• e-Tutoring & Mentoring
• e-Learning for sustainable development