Workshop | Theoretical and practical aspects regarding the university sports for disabled athletes – UNEFS EDU2021 |

Associated Event / Workshop Proposal template LUMEN International Conferences 2021

Workshop Title | Theoretical and practical aspects regarding the university sports for disabled athletes

Main Organizer Institution | National University of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest (UNEFS)

Co-organizers | LUMEN Research Center in Social & Humanistic Sciences, Romania

Chair | Aura Bota, UNEFS

Overview | This Webinar proposed by UNEFS presents specific aspects concerning physical education and sports for disabled athletes, organized within universities. Participants will emphasize the main approaches in this area and future developments, associated to European policies in this area, as depicted by Paralimits Erasmus Sport project team.

Legal Framework concerning the University Sports for Disabled Athletes; models of good practice

Aura Bota – UNEFS Bucharest


The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) reveals a paradigm shift from considering the disability as a medical issue and social burden toward seeing disability as a fundamental human right. Meeting the development goals of the disabled is part of reaching overall global development goals.

The situation of disabled persons in in Romania has become topical especially after 1989, when the State Secretariate for the Disabled (SSD) was set up. With time, the specialized institution in charge with the coordination, guidance and control of activities dedicated to the protection of people with disabilities – as well as their social integration – embraced various shapes, from an entity under the authority of the General Secretariate of the Government, the Ministry of Health and Family or the Ministry of Labour, Social Solidarity and Family (until 2010), up to a specialized department within the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (between 2010–2021). This presentation will emphasize the practical consequences of the legal framework in Romanian sports for disabled.

Keywords: adapted sports, university sports, disabled athletes

High-Level Adapted Sports in Romanian University Settings

Sonia Albu – UNEFS Bucharest


To ensure the participation of disabled people in sporting activities, on an equal footing with everybody else, public policies in Romania must consider a set of measures meant to encourage and promote the participation – in as large a number as possible – of people with disabilities to mass and high-class sporting events at all levels. At the same time, it is of essence to make it possible for disabled people to have access to the sports infrastructure.

The number of disabled students in Romania is still very low; this is an indicator of the lack of awareness and understanding about issues related to the access and integration of such students, on the part of the decision-makers concerned. This state-of-play originated in and was maintained by the insufficient interest of universities and, especially, by the lack of consistent and coherent methodologies in this respect.

The university, as a catalyst for social change should better understand the implementation of strategies meant to ensure access of the disabled through the mere construction of access ramps, enhance the flexibility of instructional contents for various types of disabilities and ensure the human resources who will be involved in teaching these students, as well as providing sports training sessions, according to the principles of adapted physical activities.

Keywords: adapted sports, university sports, high-level sports, disabled athletes

Barriers and Obstacles for the Dual Career of Disabled Athletes in Romania; model of Good Practice in Adapted Sports in Higher Education 

Marian PădureUniversitatea Babeș-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca


The documentary work has shown that currently in Romania the number of athlete students with disabilities is very low. Consequently, there is not enough evidence or data to prove how difficult it is to organize a dual career for such people. Against this background, we can still identify some barriers and obstacles that hinder their participation into sports, tourism and re-creational activities. Some data confirm that the practice of sporting activities is generally speaking quite low in Romania, and even more so amongst the people with disabilities. The access of people with disabilities to tertiary education in Romania is quite limited.

The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) functions within the organizational structure of Babes- Bolyai University (Rector’s Office). OSD facilitates and supports the inclusion of students with educational needs into the academic life, by identifying these needs and by informing the academic personnel about the learning needs of students with disabilities. Among the values promoted by OSD, one can identify: care, inclusion, diversity, respect, focus on the individual needs, accessibility and collaboration.

Keywords: dual career, occupation, disabled people, higher education


Căpitan Ion M. GabrielAsistent manager Relatii publice – Invictus


The story of Invictus Romania began in 2014, when a group of military and civilian volunteers, inspired by a similar organization in London,  started an education project that, beyond the idea of promoting military and national values, aims to raise awareness in civil society about the gratitude due to our comrades wounded in military actions and to take the wounded Romanian soldiers to Invictus Games.

Invictus volunteers chose sport as their main means of expression and dedicated themselves to a cause to which, over time, more and more people, both military and civilian, subscribed: motivating and supporting wounded military to participate in Invictus Games.

Starting with the fall of 2014, they organized, in the spirit of the Invictus Games, a series of sports and fund-raising events in which they also involved veterans from the theaters of operations, including the wounded and disabled.

The fact that the wounded soldiers participate in competitions despite the medical issues they face, is an example that encourages the sports movement and develops positive thinking in Romanian society.

Keywords: sport, disabled military, competition

Sport tutoring for the disabled in Romania

Monica StănescuUNEFS Bucharest


To date, there is no occupation/qualification in Romania reflecting the status of a teacher/coach specialized in the area of adapted/inclusive sports.

In keeping with the provisions of Order No. 270/273 from June, 12th, 2002 on the approval of the procedure for updating the catalogue ”The Classification of Occupations in Romania” (Art. 7, 8 and 9), in order to accurately reflect the occupations specific to the Sports, Re-creational and Amusement Activities sector, and in order to match the activities, the requirements and the reality of the labour market, The National University for Physical Education and Sports (UNEFS) has championed as of 2018 the introduction of the occupation of an Adapted Sports Coach in the COR (Classification of Occupations in Romania). The coach will continuously adapt the tutoring methods and the teaching styles to the special needs of his subjects, in order to make most profit from the potential of the disabled athletes. The paper will present the main issues about the sport tutoring in Europe and the challenges for Romanian system.

Keywords: occupation, disabled people, adapted sport coach

Acknowledgement[1]: The workshop is organized within the project DUAL CAREER OF STUDENT-ATHLETES WITH DISABILITIES AS A TOOL FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION / PARA-LIMITS (Erasmus Sport Plus project no. 622213-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-SPO-SCP)