Workshop | Parent-coach relationship as part of the athletic triangle – UNEFS EDU2021 |
Associated Event / Workshop Proposal template LUMEN International Conferences 2021
Associated Event / Workshop Title | Parent-coach relationship as part of the athletic triangle
Main Organizer Institution | National University of Physical Education and Sports, Bucharest, Romania
Co-organizers | LUMEN Research Center in Social & Humanistic Sciences, Romania
Chair | Palade Tudor, U.N.E.F.S București
Overview | The workshop aims to discuss the main issues that arise in the relationship between coach and parent, especially in the game of football, and to highlight ways in which this relationship can be improved.
Topics | coach, communication, education, football, parents
Registered Papers:
Strategies for improving the relationship between coach and parents
Palade Tudor [1] & Grigore Gheorghe [2]
Starting from the definition of the strategy: “skill to use and skilfully combine all available means, all circumstances, favourable conditions in order to achieve the proposed goal”, we consider that the coach-parent relationship requires finding the best directions of communication and coordination of the activity of young athletes.
Within the athletic triangle the parent-coach relationships don’t happen by chance, they take time, effort, and creativity. The huge popularity of the football game among the population can influence both positively and negatively the above mentioned relationship. Although this may seem daunting, the time and effort invested to create positive relationships with parents can save a lot of time down the line and minimize the chances of conflict. Football clubs, regardless of the level of performance at which they operate, must ensure an optimal environment for the coach to relate to his parents, so that the training of future footballers is achieved at a high level.
The approach to the problems that appear in sports activity must be different depending on the age level of the athletes.
Keywords: coach, communication, education, football, parents
Organizing meetings with parents at a football club
Popa Daniel [3]
Are parent meetings beneficial for teams? Are they good or are they just informative?
Whether we like it or not, these they are part of a coach’s life. This presentation aims to help all football coaches to carry out meetings with parents efficiently. First of all, we must understand that meetings with parents are important and can bring many benefits if they have a clear purpose. In the presentation we will see their role, the key moments of the year when it is advisable to do these sessions, but also some small tips on how to organize these meetings with parents. All these things can make our meetings much easier, pleasant and bring beneficial things for the team. Remember that it is important that before preparing for a meeting we need to know clearly what kind of parents we have in the group. Think positively when you start preparing for the meeting and things will be pleasant.
Keywords: coach, communication, education, football, parents
The current state of the coach-parent relationship in Italian football
Ciolca Sorin-Mirel[4] & Perazzo Andrea[5] & Li Puma Alessandro[6]
Italian football has always been a benchmark in terms of organization, both in terms of high performance and in terms of table football.
This paper tries to highlight the way in which Italian football teams approach the issue of the relationship between coach and parent from several points of view: communication, interrelationship, regulation, etc. We can thus observe the differences and similarities between Italian and Romanian football both at the level of grassroots and at the level of the great Academies of the important clubs.
Communication between coaches and parents can be the main way to solve existing problems as it helps the coach to collect relevant information about the child’s temperament, character, behavior and habits, and in this paper we will present the main ways in which Italian football coaches make this communication. Discussions with parents should be permanent and transparent and aimed to solve existing problems.
Keywords: coach, communication, education, football, parent
[1] PhD Lecturer, UNEFS Bucharest, Romania,
[2] Associate professor, UNEFS Bucharest, Romania,
[3] Teacher of physical education and sports, Romanian-Finnish School,
[4] Associate professor, UNEFS Bucharest, Romania,
[5] Postgraduate Student, Universita di Torino, Italy
[6] Postgraduate Student, Universita di Torino, Italy,