Workshop | E-learning and M-learning – A Guarantee for a Quality Education. Good Practices Involving Moodle Platform
Workshop | E-learning and M-learning – A Guarantee for a Quality Education. Good Practices Involving Moodle Platform
Organizing institution | Valahia University Târgovişte, Romania – Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology, Department of Automatics, Informatics and Electrical Engineering and Teacher Training Department
Co-organizer | LUMEN Association, Center for Research in Socio-Human Sciences, Romania
Guest workshop facilitator | Prof. PhD. Gabriel Gorghiu, Valahia University Târgovişte, Romania, Teacher Training Department;
Chairs |
- Prof. Ph.D Iulian Brezeanu, Valahia University Târgovişte, Romania, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology;
- Lecturer PhD. Lucia Pascale, Valahia University Târgovişte, Romania, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology;
General presentation |
In the recent years, the informational explosion and the unprecedented development of the ICT (informational and communication technologies) has determined major changes to the educational paradigm, for all the levels of education. In this context, the e-learning technologies have occupied (very fast) a well-deserved first place in the educational system, especially because it offers new flexibilities to a better usage of the resources, both material and human. The educational portals based on on-line platforms allow the users to access a large pallet of instructional resources, presented either in classic formats, either in new ones, innovative and compatible with the technology appropriate for the information society, coming with applications of the new generation of the Internet – web 2.0 – and with collaborative and social informational mid-channels.
The online learning platforms improve the quality of education at all the levels, from pre-primary to post-academic, allowing thereby the deployment of active and self-sufficing learning processes, the building of new mid-channels of formal and non-formal learning, individually or in groups, the raising of the student’s interest in instruction. Even the e-learning does not replace the traditional education system, this will consolidate and modern it in a great amount.
Moodle is the most popular LMS platform (Learning Management System), built as a virtual space of complex and evaluation learning. It offers a set of instruments in order to accomplish resources, activities, virtual classes and digital libraries, as well as an environment of socialization and communication for trainers and trainees. In the platform, there can be defined other instruments such: forum of dialogues, wiki-pages or web conferences.
The efficient usage of the Moodle platform, as well as the most adequate techniques of its configuration and accomplishment of the learning resources, preoccupies more and more building-up providers nowadays.
The projected activity may form a matter of dissemination of successful experiences, of argumentation about the current problems concerning this subject, as well as a response to some questions of a wide interest.
The objectives of this workshop are:
- emphasizing on the e-learning advantages towards the traditional systems of the learning process and describing its challenges and impediments;
- presenting specific Moodle configurations for the pre-academic and academic environment;
- identifying the characteristics regarding the mobile Moodle educational platform;
- presenting examples of good practices about learning with Moodle.
Themes | e-learning, traditional learning vs. on-line learning, mobile Moodle, feed-back related to the training process.
Date & time | Thursday 22.11.2018, 10.00 (2 hours)
Participants | university and secondary teachers, researchers, public, students, high school students, persons interested in the proposed topic.
Contact person | Lecturer PhD. Lucia Pascale (email: lucia.p2005@